What are the advantages of Masa’s Vivienda+FAcil plan?


Since May 1st MASA has launched the Vivienda+Facil Plan, a series of initiatives to facilitate access to new-build homes for all customers interested in formalising the purchase of a new home.

Among other measures, the plan includes a reservation without obligation, free financial advice, free electrical appliances and the option of modifying plans at no additional cost. All these advantages are included with no obligation on the part of the customer, as all customers who formalise the reservation of a new-build home during the month of May will have the option of cancelling it free of charge before the 31st of May.

This measure, along with other actions, aims to facilitate access to housing in the current situation. With MASA’s Vivienda + Fácil Plan, we intend to reinforce our commitment to our customers by adopting new solutions and facilities.


Advantages of the Vivienda+FAcil Plan

Reservation without obligation from 1 to 30 May

Flexible payments

Free electrical appliances

Free financial advice

Personalisation of homes at no additional cost




Adapted opening hours

We have updated our opening hours by appointment: Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 1.30 pm and from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm.

Priority appointments for the over 65s

We continue to work electronically to resolve all your queries. If you prefer not to come in person to the sales office, we will attend to you telematically.


Hygiene and safety measures in sales offices

Only one client per real estate agent in the sales office.

All workers are provided with masks, gloves and hydroalcoholic gels for hand cleaning.

Customers coming to the sales offices are provided with protective and hygienic measures.

Waiting areas have been moved to the outside gardens.

Extension of the working space and physical separation by means of partitions to ensure distance between people.


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