Next weekend , from 17 to 19 March, part of our team will travel to Norway and Finland to attend to important real estate exhibitions: Boligmesse that will take place in Oslo and Fair Media International in Helsinki.
Boligmesse is an exhibition dedicated to the Norwegian public that will take place during the 17th, 18th and 19th March, and where attendees will be able to find information on these sector through fórums, activities, and explanatory talks.This is the first time our Team ever assit to this event, where it is expected that about thousand people will attend this exhibition.
On the other hand, our Team will not miss the opportunity to attend the Fair Media exhibition in Helsinki next 18 and 19 March.
During this event several lectures will be given about the suplly of housing in different countries, taxation advices or financial possibilities when you are purchasing properties.
Only a few days ago, Masa attended the edition of Fair Media in Gothenburg. It is increasingly the second homes purchase from the Scandinavian residents in Spain for holiday usages or investment. Taking account of the recovery of the real estate sector and the current economic situation, the number of foreign clients buying a property in our country is rapidly growing. According to the information that arose from the investigation made by the Official Association of Property Registrars, 2,2% of foreign Investments in Spain last year came from Scandinavian public.
Both exhibitions are considered the most visited events in the Nordic Region, great opportunities to know the growing interest for purchasing a home out of our country.
Our TEAM will attend in order to support the international network agencies and find the latest news in the sector.